2c Lake St, Windale NSW 2306

We gratefully acknowledge the generous assistance provided by Sponsors and Supporters
Please support those who support us!
Sponsors of the Windale Men's Shed
Safe n Sound Storage - since 2012
We wish to express our gratitude to the management and staff at Safe 'n' Sound - Kotara for their ongoing cooperation and understanding of the storage needs for men's sheds, not only for their professional and efficient manner in initally finalising the arrangements, but how the arrangement is favourably reviewed at "no cost" to the association.
Web Site: www.safensound.net.au

JSA GROUP - Chartered Accountants - since 2016
The management for the JSA Group, Chartered Accountants, have been supporting our association for many years by providing Auditing of our accounts and supply of annual financial reports. This in turn supports the requirements of Dep. of Fair Trading and ACNC. The service provided by the JSA Group has assisted our association in continuing to focus financially on our not-for-profit and charity status, we are extremely grateful for their regular support.
Web Site: www.jsagroup.com.au

Supporters of the Windale Men's Shed
Betta Belmont - Web Site: betta.com.au/stores/belmont-betta-home-living
Wangi & Beyond Houseboats - Web Site: www.wangiandbeyond.com.au
Windale Gateshead Bowling Club - Web Site: www.wgbc.com.au
Gold N Tint Signs - Web Site: www.goldntint.com.au
Ansen's Tyre & Auto - Web Site: www.ansens.com.au
Gateshead Car Wash - Web Site: www.gatesheadcarwash.com.au
Random Harvest Gourmet Foods - Web Site: www.randomharvestgourmet.com.au
Eagles Plumbing Plus - Web Site: eaglesplumbing.com.au
Frontline Fire - Web Site: frontlinefire.net.au
Lake Macquarie City Council
Lake Macquarie City Council has kindly provided a grant for the development of this new web site in 2023.
Web Site: www.lakemac.com.au